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Project duration:
December - February 2022 (8 weeks)

My Role and Responsibilities:
UX research, Qualitative analysis, User flow, Low and High fidelity wireframing, Conducting usability studies and retrospective ideas.

3 Members
For Portfolio, this Case study is documented individually.

Tools Used:


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What is the product?

A digital platform that helps you manage and control your emotions. Designed to promote mental and emotional well-being, this innovative application focuses on regulating the four key feel-good hormones - dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin.

The application also encourages you to spend time in nature and
connect with others through socializing, meeting people with similar interests, and attending various events. The application provides a safe space for you to talk about your issues and makes you comfortable being Vulnerable.

Who are the User?

As per our Secondary research, we identified young medical professionals as being the most vulnerable to such situations as they experience this for the first time.

And as per our study, the
age group of 25-35 is the core age of beginning their professional life after long years of education.

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What is the Problem?

The high surge in death cases in this pandemic has resulted in mental anguish, excessive stress, and intense work overburden for medical professionals.

Young healthcare professionals who are new and vulnerable in their profession want
 to open up about their traumas and struggles.
Unfortunately, the organization does not acknowledge such issues. Hence a culture has been developed where several young professionals
lack emotional support in their workplace.

Understanding the context
Secondary research
What we want to know more about death
Identifying Charette
Interviews with Health professionals
Proposed solution

Qualitative Analysis

We conducted a few interviews of 45-60 minute duration with Health professionals and a few experts who deal with people facing mental health issues to understand coping with grief and loss. Interviews were conducted with 9 potential user and 4 experts. Questions were structured in the following manner:


Personal responsibilities


Professional Responsibilities,


Traumatising Experiences,
Fear of making mistakes


Mental Health,
Work Overload

I feel uncomfortable approaching the Seniors and my family for support.

Resident Physician, Los Angeles, USA

High Workload /Burn-out
Lack of equipment (Covid)
Low Social Acceptance
Mental Health Problems/ Stress
Lack of Incentives
Lack of Coordination & Direction
Coping Strategies

Organizational structure

Key Insights

Communication gap with Seniors
Distance from family
Shortage of staff
Education barriers & Regional differences
Lack of mentoring
No time for physical fitness
Less leisure time with family

Empathy mapping > Developing Persona > Ideation

After summarizing who the user is, their needs, and their pain points, Affinity mapping was donw to categorize insights and group different ideas to generate themes. It helped us to find common patterns and to synthesize our further data.

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Identifying Interaction

Defining the experience and the channels via which the user will interact with the product.

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Information Architecture

Defining the experience and the channels via which the user will interact with the product.

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Sketching > Understanding functionality > Wireframing

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First Iteration

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Sanskrit for friend connected with bandhana or ties which are the connections that, according to the Vedas link the outer and the inner worlds.

Talking about the issues is the fundamental step in the road to recovery.

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First feedback (psychology intern)

I've read the concept and functions. Sounds good, at least for me. I'm an intern and facing psychological cases all day. So really in need of this kind of consultation and self-care options so that I can also learn from others.

Feedback (Assistant surgeon)

It's a smart idea, especially for young doctors. I'm not sure about the seniors; they seem to be secure and comfortable in who they are. Therefore, since they don't have much time, it would be best if you minimize the information that they are required to share so they can also participate. Also, because they are experts, they are not open to receiving advice and suggestions.

Usability testing

Users were asked to share what they are doing, thinking, and feeling while interacting with the prototype. They went over the features of the app and reviewed what doesn't work for them. After reviewing first impressions, A scenario was created that were the tasks assigned to the user.

  • Method: Remote, usability testing by the Figma app on their phone

  • Participants: 3

  • User: Junior resident doctor/ Assistant Surgeon

  • Review onboarding experience

  • Sign up or Login into the app

  • Find your consultation

  • Join a live session or chatroom

  • Discover upcoming events

  • Look for people with similar interest

  • Browse through Self-care

  • Try to Create a trend

  • Call or text your doctor

  • Look for recent Notifications

  • Log-out from the app

Few notes

"Too much information to handle for me after landing on the home screen."

"Confused about trending topics & poll- Would be nice if  more explanation about the things we can share"

"At some places, even though its readable, I am struggling to read and focus completely "

"Not able to find SOS easily, It would be better if I have something instant to Activate in need"

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